10th Assembly: A Chamber at the Mercy of Executive Kakistocracy

By Chilly Pepper

Every four years, Nigeria decides not only her next President, but also every member of her legislative arm. While great consideration is put in place on whom to vote for at the Presidential and Gubernatorial elections, I am afraid the House of Reps, Senate and House of Assembly are given little or no thought.

As a child growing up, I thought the President wasn't answerable to anyone and had the authority to do has he please, will you blame me, I was born at the peak of militarism when brutal force was the way of governance. Order! Like it is shouted in old colonial court by "olopa kotu" whenever zombies (apology to abami ada, late Fela Anikulapo Kuti) need to fall in line to carry them out.

1999 birthed a season of change and learning of a new way of life. Now, I know better. I understand that the President has a cabinet whose sole purpose is to serve him to fulfil his promises to the People. And the people have State House of Assembly, Federal House of Representatives and the Senate to help them hold the Executive accountable, making sure they deliver what was promised to citizens. But what happens when the Chamber is rather a "Kakus of kakistocrats"?

I recently learned a new word which perfectly describes the leadership style for which Nigeria is known for. The word is KAKISTOCRACY. This means a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens. It implies a system where leadership is characterized by corruption, incompetence, and self-interest rather than the well-being of the people.

Over the years, Nigeria has been under the leadership of people who have glorified corruption, mismanagement of resources, lack of transparency, and inadequate provision of public services. These factors have contributed to public dissatisfaction, bringing citizens to the conclusion that some leaders prioritize personal gain over the welfare of the population. This they do hiding behind their different religious cloaks. 

Nigeria, the giant of Africa is currently known for its high levels of corruption, embezzlement, bribery and nepotism. 
We have had instance where an individual lacking the necessary competence or basic qualifications like an SSCE was presented for the highest office in our nation, this pattern was seen in appointments made to key positions of power under the same administration. This has in turn led to ineffective governance, mismanagement of resources, and a failure to address pressing societal issues. This is the sandbank to which the storm has driven our nation's ship.

While we await directions for where this new tide in government will lead, I can't help but hope that the 10th assembly will be different from what has come to be the norm with previous Assemblies. 

I do hope this body will seek to strengthen institutions; build strong and independent institutions, such as an impartial judiciary, a robust anti-corruption agency, and an Independent electoral commission.
Nigerians won't forget the compromise of INEC in the last elections in a hurry.

I trust that the 10th Assembly will strive to promote transparency and accountability, and strive to make Nigeria a home indeed for her citizens.
I hope this body will see the "Japa Syndrome" as an ailment in need of a cure, and not as a "breach in loyalty" on the part of the citizens.

Africa is home and we are at home with religion, any religion that is yet to hit Africa has not started. Nigeria of course is the giant of Africa. We have enough religion more than the entire world can ever need. But let's bear in mind that Legislatures were not elected to represent our religion but us. They aren't there for the Bible and the Quran but the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which in essence has been subsumed to the whims and caprice of the bigots among us. 

The need of the people is not religion, that we already have in abundance, our Catholics are more Catholic than the Pope. Due respect and apology to the papacy and faithful. Our need from the 10th Assembly is a review and amendment of our nation's holy book (the 1999 Constitution has amended) by which we all can effectively worship the god of democracy, whose demands from all is respect for one another and honour to its rule as a government of the people by the people and for the people.

These should guide the 10th Senate at picking its leaders to provide enabling environment for us to thrive in all areas of life and sectors of our economy. Let democracy lead the 10th Assembly to give us a leader for the role the constitution has fostered on them, but never forgetting that we as citizens will hold them accountable for failure of leaders of the 10th Senate at the end of their service in 2027.

My best wishes I give to the 10th Assembly while looking forward to a personal invitation from whoever is convinced enough that he will be inaugurated on Tuesday the 13th of June 2023. Cheers I say to all my readers.

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